Texas French Symposium

The 2025 Texas French Symposium Competition will take place at Grand Oaks High School in Spring, Texas April 4th & 5th. The theme of the contest will be La Culture Francophone : les traditions, les coutumes et les arts des pays francophones.

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         ✧ Get more information & download required forms

         ✧Access the judge preferences form

If you have questions, please contact president@texasfrenchsymposium.org

✧ Texas French Symposium is a statewide competition for high school students of French (non-native French speakers). ✧ French teachers from any high school in Texas may bring students to compete in oral events, academic tests, art, and music events. Students must be registered by their French teacher and compete with their school. ✧ Our annual event promotes French language learning of high school students all across the state. ✧ If you are a French teacher (grades 9-12) in Texas and would like to be placed on the TFS email listing to receive notifications, click here:  TFS Mailing List.

The Texas French Symposium is funded in part by:

The Texas French Symposium also thanks the following organizations for their volunteers: